Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Second last day

It is my second last day in the place I have worked for the last four and half years. Most of the time since I stopped being an at home parent. (I loved being an at home parent!).

It is my second last day in the job that I have worked fulltime in since my boy went to school.

It is my second last day in an area (violence against women programs) that i have been working in for 20 years.

It is my second last day.


I am so ready for a change, a fresh start. I am ready to live within 3kms of home, work and school. I am ready for a new environment (university).

I am so ready for a permanent job away from the trials of reapplying every two years or so.


I have loved this program and this project. I feel like I am leaving to early that it is just at the toddler stage and i am throwing it into 24/7 day care!

It is my second last day

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