Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Duck Lips

it is hard to even describe how completely gorgeous Al is. Eight and a half months. Blond, and his mother's big blue eyes and full lips.

His body is so filled with joy that he wriggles around (head swinging side to side like he is saying no although he is clearly saying yes!, legs and arms going in all directions) when ever anything nice happens - this could be as simple as one of us returning into the room (especially Thomas who always gets a smile) or playing with his belly (a guaranteed laugh). His little chubby legs swing gently back and forwards under his high chair in a way that is completly endearing.

At night he lies in his cot long after Thomas has fallen asleep - loudly and cheerfully calling out to him, trying with his whole heart to wake his brother. He loves his jolly jumper and Lightning (the puppy) insists on lying at his feet (often getting a face full of foot) as he jumps. Just seeing the jumper, the bath or hearing the mixer going with potential food is reason for a grin and a noise that can only be described as happy.

Al doesn't really cry, he is pretty much always happy. Sometimes a bit grumpy but even then mid whinge he will smile at us.

Until recently his lip would drop when a big noise or something sudden happened or he hurt his head as he rolled on the floor. There was a big dropped lip and a small dropped lip. In our house we call the big dropped lip the 'full lip' (imagine if you will an 8 year old calling from their bedroom "Gaye! Gaye! Mumma! this baby has the full lip, our baby has the full lip" followed by cheering up attempts). But in the last week or so this has changed to the cutest pout-y, kissing lip thing that we call duck lips. Often it is accompanied by an 'ooh' sound and followed by a dropping face.

Gaye and I like it so much we have to resist them temptation not to drop things loudly around him or some other sort of dreadful parenting mischief just because it is so cute. I sooo hope we catch it on video


Holly said...

I soooo hope you catch that on video! It sounds adorable!
Al sounds like such a happy baby!

Andrew has the most hysterical pout-y face and I want to catch it on camera, but my timing is terrible!

Holly said...

I soooo hope you catch that on video! It sounds adorable!
Al sounds like such a happy baby!

Andrew has the most hysterical pout-y face and I want to catch it on camera, but my timing is terrible!

R said...

Do ya have any pics??

Anonymous said...

He sounds so beautiful!

Kelly & Sam Pilgrim-Byrne said...

Yeah, I want pics too!!!

Anonymous said...

Ah hah!!

I knew there was a toaster involved.

I got here via Googie and Keri and I've been enjoying the read. Funny thing though, you kinda seem like me only lesbain-er.

Hmmm... go figure?