Tuesday, April 10, 2007

chocolate and go-carts

Easter summed up
  • We spent Easter in Canberra with my family.
  • Gaye made hot-cross buns on Easter morning in my mothers kitchen and we ate them hot out of the oven for breakfast.
  • We spent afternoons in the park out the front of my parents place with the kids riding bikes and the go-cart my Dad made them some months ago.
  • Thomas wrote the Easter bunny a note 'Dear Easter Rabbit, please can I have a carmel egg and a wizard wand. Please make it a real wand. Or can I have a bunny, if you think I can't get the bunny home just leave it at my house, I love you"
  • When the kids woke up on Easter morning they were looking at their eggs, my brother (father of Ann (9) and Denis (5) said to them 'what are you doing?' "looking at our eggs" 'this is the only day of the year you can eat chocolate for breakfast get in to it'
  • Autum has started and we wore trackpants (him) and long wollen jumpers (us) in the evenings.


Amanda said...

Sounds like a fun Easter! Welcome back!!

Anonymous said...

Oh how cute, "I love you", what a sweetheart you have in Thomas...